From Full-Service Gas Stations to Modern Dealerships

Growing up, my first job was working at a full-service gas station, the only one left in my small southern Ontario town. As many readers will remember, getting fueled up was a bit of an experience. Pulling up over that little dingy hose, where you were promptly greeted by an attendant asking, "Fill 'er up?" Sitting back while they squeegeed your windows and even checked the oil levels if you asked was all part of the charm.

During my stint as a gas attendant—or gas jockey, if you will—I saw a wealth of different types of vehicles. From a brand-new, off-the-lot Mercedes-Benz to a rebuilt Ford Model T, you never knew what cool car would pull up. It made me appreciate the true marvel of engineering, especially regarding where manufacturers would decide to place the gas tank.

Drivers always got a kick out of a 16-year-old kid pacing around their '69 Mustang looking for the tank, only to find it under the license plate. Or the gorgeous '57 Bel Air that made me stop in my tracks, with the owner beside himself laughing when he showed me the gas cap under the left taillight. Not to mention the Model T, which has the tank directly under the driver's seat. Boy, they really knew how to make you guess.

Propane Adventures

Something unique about the gas station I worked for was the propane service. We provided tank fill-ups for any size tank, which was fairly typical. But what set us apart was the vehicle hook-up. Being a young kid with little to no experience under my belt, I assumed there were two types of fuel: gasoline and diesel. Well, I was wrong.

Propane-powered vehicles have been around as early as 1913. They powered all forms of engines and vehicle types. Into the '80s and '90s, propane conversions became somewhat common as propane was, and for the most part still is, a reliably affordable fuel type.

Two vehicles really stood out from my time as a gas attendant. The first was my uncle's old Jeep Cherokee. The smell reminded me of the Zambonis smoothing the ice at the rink, and the unique sound of the engine could be heard from a block away. Not because it was loud, but because it was completely different than any other truck putting up and down the street.

The other propane vehicle was a staple in my town—the French fry truck. This thing powered the fryers and the engine with propane—talk about efficient! The bonus was anytime it came to fill up, we usually got some fries as a tip. For a teenager, this was better than health benefits!

From Gas Attendant to Dealership Specialist

Working closely with vehicles really helps you appreciate everything they are and offer. From working on the engine, fixing that annoying squeaky sound, or just doing some routine maintenance, techs and advisors get the full meal deal when it comes to the nuances and strange (sometimes frustrating) things that vehicles will throw at you.

Being a gas attendant gave me a good appreciation for how similar and how vastly different vehicles can be. But the service center workers? They have seen it all!

As someone now deeply involved in the automotive software industry, I look back on those days with fondness. The difference from full-service gas stations to today's high-tech dealerships is remarkable. The essence of customer service remains unchanged, but the tools and technology we use to enhance that experience have evolved dramatically.

Just like a gas attendant hopping to work as soon as a car pulls up, we strive to bring that same level of personalized service and attention to detail to every dealership. Our comprehensive software solutions are designed to increase revenue, improve efficiency, and most importantly, enhance the customer experience. Because, just like those old cars with their quirky gas tank placements, every dealership has its unique challenges and needs—and we're here to help them navigate it all.

Blog post by Gideon Barker
– Quorum Product Communications Specialist

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